Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 3: A dissapointment

I was a bit dissapointed by the results from last night. I did not remember as much as I would have hoped. I even woke up by the alarm [ set for 5 hours after I went to bed ] but I did not remember any dream. We'll see. I'll try it again for maybe 4.5 hours tonight. The dream I did remember was pretty good. Some of it came back to me as I began to think about it more and more.

{It was like a movie. Going back and forth between two scenes. One was in a class room, they were teaching children about how credit card companies worked. And something else but I really can't quite remember. In the other scene, people were representing companies to show how everything worked. This girl that my roommates are friends with that I had a little crush on for a day or 2 [ still think she's super cute ], was a 'CRT' which in reality is a computer monitor which is not an 'LCD'. Anyway, CRT stood for being a credit card company. And also so much happened that was so unrelated to teaching about credit card companies. She told me that when we make out I have to grab her ass. And that was awesome. So we were making out on this couch with a bunch of other people, and the guy she normally hooks up with is there. And somehow no one noticed that we were hooking up. We were like hiding behind the guy next to us. When we hooked up she was so adamant about me holding her ass [ fine with me ]. For some reason though she was more over weight in then she really is. But it didn't deter me. However I did notice that she is not usually this weight. It cut back to the class room type scene, and they mentioned how CRT's [ credit card companies ] swindle people out of money and then sell their stock's to then buy lottery tickets. And they have the money to find out what the 'best numbers' are to play. They explained that in each city there is a cities best numbers, that come up more often then others. Then the explained that the city we were in, [ I believe ] Cincinnati, was bad for these companies because someone only wins the lottery 4 times a year, so its hard for them to quickly find out the best numbers. However, it still worked. }

I have begun a new part of my experiment. By periodically checking during the day if what I am experiencing is reality I will increase the likely-hood that during a dream I will check if I am in reality. If I do that then I have the potential to discover I am in a dream and in effect become conscious while still dreaming. I'll let you know how it works. I have been doing this test for about 24 hrs now I would say. I'll probably have to do it more often and for a few more days before it hits my dreams. I will continuing to log my dreams in this blog. I hope tomorrow I have more dreams to record.

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