Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 1 - A step into Dream Land

'Lucid Dreams: Dreams whereby the dreamer takes conscious control of the dream.'

This is a relatively basic definition of what lucid dreaming is(Wiki if you want more info). However, in its essence the definition is correct. Lucid dreaming is recognizing you are dreaming, and continuing to remain in the dream state. When you harness this you are able to control your actions and decisions in of the dream. In this blog, you can find my other blog here, I am going to document my dreams, a dream diary it may be, in an effort to begin to become lucid in my dreams. I am doing this for a few reasons, on the surface, documenting your dreams is the first step towards achieving lucidity during you're dreams( at least research has directed me towards believing this).

For myself, lucid dreaming is more of an adventure. Or I might say it is simply a venture into the mind. Into my mind. During a lucid dream you become connected in a way impossible without the use of drugs, to your subconscious. It is the ultimate hallucination. I feel that it would just be awesome. And from my small amount of experience with lucid dreaming and dreams in general it really is awesome.

In this first entry, I will go over a few dreams I've had recently and the only interactions with lucid dreams I've ever encountered, and my game plan for the next week. In future blogs I will simply describe in is much detail as possible the dreams I remember, and hopefully soon I will be describing lucid dreams.

Here goes.

So a few quick recollections of dreams. I'll go over two dreams I remember clips of from this weekend and then the experiences with lucidity. So this weekend(and all this week) I have been feeling sick, which inhibits my ability to sleep. Oddly, by waking up consistently and in the middle of dreams I am able to remember them easier so I remembered two of them. The first one was simply a portrayal of my sexual desires { I was riding something, it was a trolley of some kind, with two girls on either side of me, when I spotted the first girl she was beautiful, blond, and tall riding a bike[the weird thing is that that is not exactly my type, but], I found her extremely attractive. By the time we were close and riding this trolley together, she along with a friend of hers were rubbing my legs, and I had an orgasm with no real provocation} thats when I woke up. That dream sounds very sporatic but thats just the order in which I remembered it and I didn't feel like changing the order after I wrote it.

The next dream I only remember one scene. { I put my retainer in [ which I never wear ] and I was so glad because it fit, and I could see my teeth moving into a straighter position. When I pulled it off minutes later, I was still happy until I noticed that my tooth on the front, bottom row was very obviously chipped, suddenly i could see all of teeth on the bottom were wiggling. They were extremely loose. Soon after they began to fall out [ I did not have to pull them], the last thing I saw was my face, mouth wide open with only about 3 or 4 teeth left. } Really a dream about my fear that because I don't wear my retainer something could go wrong. I already see my teeth shifting but it does not seem to serious.

Phew. Ok so now onto the lucid dreams. I'll try to be quick because I'm getting tired of typing. The first one {I believe I ever had was a few years ago, I was dreaming that I was flying and all of a sudden I became lucid. I recognized that I was dreaming and did not awake. It was amazing, I could control my flight, where I went and what I did. I do not remember much except being extremely happy. }

More recently I have had more terrible lucid dreams when I take naps. { I'm laying in bed, and all of a sudden I cannot breath at all, and I'm gasping for air. The feeling is terrifying and very real. I attempt to move, to sit up, and I recognize that my body will not move an inch. This is when I become lucid. I recognize that I must be dreaming because I cannot move. I wrestle with my muscles, continuing to push them until finally *pop* I move and I wake up} These dreams really last only a matter of seconds I would say and I wake up certainly worried, breathing heavy.

Very interesting, now that I am more aware of lucid dreaming I may attempt to stay in this state and calm myself down in the dream instead of waking myself up.

Alright. We'll that was a good first entry. For this week I am going to set my alarm for 5 to 6 hours after I fall asleep in an attempt to catch myself in a dream, document the dream, and fall back to sleep contemplating lucid dreaming. This is apparently a good way to encourage lucid dreaming.

Bye All.

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