Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 6 through now : many dreams

Alright, so I know I havn't been typing my dreams up here but I wanted to let everyone know that I am still remembering and writing down dreams just not here because I got bored of it. But I had a lot of interesting dreams. Later.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 5: Finally a cool new dream

Ok, so we're at Day 5.

We had a noticeable improvement from Day 4. I remembered a few parts from one of my dreams.

{ I was at my house and we had thrown a small party. All of my roommate we're running around wasted [ as they did last night ]. We had a keg and the house was not really anything like my house. The house switched to being my ex-girlfriend's house but the same party was going on. Her dad was cooking up a burger for me directly on the stove [ I don't really eat meat ] and he insisted it was going to be so good. I was entertained the idea to keep him happy. He seemed to be almost insane over this burger. I felt closer to him then ever at that point. My ex-girlfriend was behind me with her best friend and they were talking about something that I don't recall. My dad walked into the room and it was my house again. He saw me drinking, and then my roommate ran through the room screaming, saying we have a keg. I laughed uncomfortably and asked my dad if he wanted a drink. He bent down to smell what I had in my drink and said he didn't want a drink. The next thing I remember he was on the floor with my ex-girlfriends dad,leaning against the table, with their arms over each others shoulders. I didn't find this to be weird and I told my dad, "This is Caryn's{ my ex} dad, do you remember her?".}

Then there's part 2:

{ I was outside of my house, it was my house at home { as apposed to at school } and I had driven a Jeep there. I said I have to go park my car { and it was implied that I had to park it somewhere that no one could find it }. So I drove my car, and it was extremely dark, I took it down the street, and drove it up a hill, which was the lawn of a lady I had worked for this summer { painted her house, and I had never actually painted this lady's house }. So, I parked it, and at that point { no joke } my car was a dog. And it sunk its paws and nails into the lawn, lied down, and did not move. He kept himself completely in the ground and I was impressed because it was a steep hill and he did not fall over. I remember being worried that the lady would come out, and then a second later she come outside in the pitch black, and turned one light on outside of her house. We talked, and I acted as if I wasn't parking my dog on her lawn. I tried to get my dog to move so I lifted his paw out of the ground and he still did not budge. I was going to ride him, like a horse somewhere else to be parked { and that was completely normal } .

I don't remember anything else but that was pretty good compared to the past 2 days I feel like I did better this time. We'll try again tomorrow!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 4: Last Try

Day 4 was a complete failure.

I woke up with my alarm and did not remember a single dream. Then I woke up at my normal time { which was still really early } and I remembered part of a dream for about 10 seconds and then lost it when I got distracted. I was extremely disappointing. I'm going to try it again tonight, and we will change something tomorrow night if I don't remember more.

So, the official test tonight. I'll set my alarm for exactly 6 hours after I go to sleep. I'll wake up from that alarm and attempt to remember my dreams. Go back to sleep, and try to dream again. And hopefully by the time I wake up again I'll have more dreams I can recall. We'll see.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 3: A dissapointment

I was a bit dissapointed by the results from last night. I did not remember as much as I would have hoped. I even woke up by the alarm [ set for 5 hours after I went to bed ] but I did not remember any dream. We'll see. I'll try it again for maybe 4.5 hours tonight. The dream I did remember was pretty good. Some of it came back to me as I began to think about it more and more.

{It was like a movie. Going back and forth between two scenes. One was in a class room, they were teaching children about how credit card companies worked. And something else but I really can't quite remember. In the other scene, people were representing companies to show how everything worked. This girl that my roommates are friends with that I had a little crush on for a day or 2 [ still think she's super cute ], was a 'CRT' which in reality is a computer monitor which is not an 'LCD'. Anyway, CRT stood for being a credit card company. And also so much happened that was so unrelated to teaching about credit card companies. She told me that when we make out I have to grab her ass. And that was awesome. So we were making out on this couch with a bunch of other people, and the guy she normally hooks up with is there. And somehow no one noticed that we were hooking up. We were like hiding behind the guy next to us. When we hooked up she was so adamant about me holding her ass [ fine with me ]. For some reason though she was more over weight in then she really is. But it didn't deter me. However I did notice that she is not usually this weight. It cut back to the class room type scene, and they mentioned how CRT's [ credit card companies ] swindle people out of money and then sell their stock's to then buy lottery tickets. And they have the money to find out what the 'best numbers' are to play. They explained that in each city there is a cities best numbers, that come up more often then others. Then the explained that the city we were in, [ I believe ] Cincinnati, was bad for these companies because someone only wins the lottery 4 times a year, so its hard for them to quickly find out the best numbers. However, it still worked. }

I have begun a new part of my experiment. By periodically checking during the day if what I am experiencing is reality I will increase the likely-hood that during a dream I will check if I am in reality. If I do that then I have the potential to discover I am in a dream and in effect become conscious while still dreaming. I'll let you know how it works. I have been doing this test for about 24 hrs now I would say. I'll probably have to do it more often and for a few more days before it hits my dreams. I will continuing to log my dreams in this blog. I hope tomorrow I have more dreams to record.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 2 - A recollection of 3 dreams

I went to bed last night around {12:47} and my experiment to wake myself up in about 5 hrs did not work. My alarm did not sound [ my fault ]. However I did wake up in the middle of my sleep worried because my alarm did not sound and did not recall much of any dreams. After going back to sleep, I awoke again around {9:40} hitting my alarm until about {10:30} when I jogged my memory of my dreams and wrote down what I remembered of 3 dreams.

{ I was somewhere really odd. It was like sea port or something. I was with my sisters, and we were trying to get tickets to get back home. However, there was some type of a time limit. So I told my older sister we have to rush to get these tickets. And the only way to get them is from this machine [ like the ones in the city that dispense metro cards ]. Before we rushed over there we were in a large futuristic room and Jon Stewart from the Daily Show was there. I don't remember talkng to him but I know we interacted. When we arrived at the machine my sister first put in her money, but I think she actually put a ticket into the machine. Because when she put it in there was a large metal shelf on the machine that began to fill up with dollar bills and coins. All types of coins and bills in no particular order. The bills were sandwiched between coins and it was impossible to sort through it all. I remember thinking to myself ' this isn't exactly efficient, they would get a low customer service rating '. I remember at this point Steven Colbert of The Colbert Report being there. And agian I do not remember how we interacted but I know that we did. }

The next dream is somewhat blurrier. Maybe connected somehow.

{ I remember driving up an extremely rocky, and steep hill on my own. I was scared. It was scary because someone I was driving towards was racist [ I think ] . So I'm driving, and my front, right tire, is blown out but I continue on. And I remember thinking ' I'm only dreaming that this tire is blown because the tire on my car is' . [ But I did not actually recognize, or past that point atleast I did not recognize I was dreaming. I was not really lucid at all. ] So finally I get to where I want to be but for some reason I passed it and made a quick K turn to get around, and sped into this building. I could drive right into this building because it was just made of rocks and there was a large entrance. I got out of the car and there was a lot of noise, there were children, and I knew that one of them was my cousin. I called to him, and they were playing music, he didn't want me to tell his parents what he was doing. All I remember is not really being able to find him, we were just yelling back and forth to eachother. }

I just remembered a small piece of another dream.

{ I was at my old roommates house and everything was dark. It was as if they were all just getting up or going to bed. Mostly everyone was in bed except my old roommate. I had my shirt off for some reason and when I walked into the room his brother [ the only one he has ] said how ripped I look. I was happy to hear it. I thought to myself, ' My old roommate must be sad to hear that because we've all tried to work out a lot and it hasn't worked for him quite as much' [ I only thought that because his brother has become way bigger then him, but we are about the same size. small. ] Anyway, when I turned around his other younger brother who appeared to be about 13 years old [ he doesn't have two younger brothers ] was in the bed. I was like wow, do you live here? And he responded that he does, he just came to Rutgers this semester and he is studying something that I couldn't quite make out. At this point we got to talking a bit more and he was really odd. I recognized he has very flamboyant tendencies and then he mentioned that he was a cheerleader in highschool and is a chearleader now. He was going to be a professional he said. ' He must be gay' I thought, and in my head I laughed [ because I know that must be weird for my old roommate and his brother because they are both somewhat homophobic ]. }

Wow I can't believe that entire other dream came back to me like that. I am definitely extremely happy with the results of Day 2 [ technically testing Day 1 ]. I remembered a good portion of 3 dreams and simply writing them down allowed me to recall more details. Tonight I will make sure to continue the experiment, and actually set a working alarm [ at a low volume as to not wake my roommate ]. I am interested to see that I was lucid for an extremely small part of one of my dreams. However, it was so minute of a thought it did not effect anything. I questioned the tire, but not the scenery which was complete abstract. I'll have to look out for those details in future dreams.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 1 - A step into Dream Land

'Lucid Dreams: Dreams whereby the dreamer takes conscious control of the dream.'

This is a relatively basic definition of what lucid dreaming is(Wiki if you want more info). However, in its essence the definition is correct. Lucid dreaming is recognizing you are dreaming, and continuing to remain in the dream state. When you harness this you are able to control your actions and decisions in of the dream. In this blog, you can find my other blog here, I am going to document my dreams, a dream diary it may be, in an effort to begin to become lucid in my dreams. I am doing this for a few reasons, on the surface, documenting your dreams is the first step towards achieving lucidity during you're dreams( at least research has directed me towards believing this).

For myself, lucid dreaming is more of an adventure. Or I might say it is simply a venture into the mind. Into my mind. During a lucid dream you become connected in a way impossible without the use of drugs, to your subconscious. It is the ultimate hallucination. I feel that it would just be awesome. And from my small amount of experience with lucid dreaming and dreams in general it really is awesome.

In this first entry, I will go over a few dreams I've had recently and the only interactions with lucid dreams I've ever encountered, and my game plan for the next week. In future blogs I will simply describe in is much detail as possible the dreams I remember, and hopefully soon I will be describing lucid dreams.

Here goes.

So a few quick recollections of dreams. I'll go over two dreams I remember clips of from this weekend and then the experiences with lucidity. So this weekend(and all this week) I have been feeling sick, which inhibits my ability to sleep. Oddly, by waking up consistently and in the middle of dreams I am able to remember them easier so I remembered two of them. The first one was simply a portrayal of my sexual desires { I was riding something, it was a trolley of some kind, with two girls on either side of me, when I spotted the first girl she was beautiful, blond, and tall riding a bike[the weird thing is that that is not exactly my type, but], I found her extremely attractive. By the time we were close and riding this trolley together, she along with a friend of hers were rubbing my legs, and I had an orgasm with no real provocation} thats when I woke up. That dream sounds very sporatic but thats just the order in which I remembered it and I didn't feel like changing the order after I wrote it.

The next dream I only remember one scene. { I put my retainer in [ which I never wear ] and I was so glad because it fit, and I could see my teeth moving into a straighter position. When I pulled it off minutes later, I was still happy until I noticed that my tooth on the front, bottom row was very obviously chipped, suddenly i could see all of teeth on the bottom were wiggling. They were extremely loose. Soon after they began to fall out [ I did not have to pull them], the last thing I saw was my face, mouth wide open with only about 3 or 4 teeth left. } Really a dream about my fear that because I don't wear my retainer something could go wrong. I already see my teeth shifting but it does not seem to serious.

Phew. Ok so now onto the lucid dreams. I'll try to be quick because I'm getting tired of typing. The first one {I believe I ever had was a few years ago, I was dreaming that I was flying and all of a sudden I became lucid. I recognized that I was dreaming and did not awake. It was amazing, I could control my flight, where I went and what I did. I do not remember much except being extremely happy. }

More recently I have had more terrible lucid dreams when I take naps. { I'm laying in bed, and all of a sudden I cannot breath at all, and I'm gasping for air. The feeling is terrifying and very real. I attempt to move, to sit up, and I recognize that my body will not move an inch. This is when I become lucid. I recognize that I must be dreaming because I cannot move. I wrestle with my muscles, continuing to push them until finally *pop* I move and I wake up} These dreams really last only a matter of seconds I would say and I wake up certainly worried, breathing heavy.

Very interesting, now that I am more aware of lucid dreaming I may attempt to stay in this state and calm myself down in the dream instead of waking myself up.

Alright. We'll that was a good first entry. For this week I am going to set my alarm for 5 to 6 hours after I fall asleep in an attempt to catch myself in a dream, document the dream, and fall back to sleep contemplating lucid dreaming. This is apparently a good way to encourage lucid dreaming.

Bye All.